ditto,  this is the best way forward IMHO.


On 26/10/2010 16:52, Damian Smedley wrote:
Hi Jorge,

This restriction is only in place where users have selected an option that is 
just flanking sequence i.e. gene/transcript flanks or gene/transcript coding 
region flanks. If both upstream and downstream was selected you would end up 
with a concatenated DNA string which makes no sense - hence the warning.

The code lets you select upstream and downstream flanks when there is something 
sensible in between them like a coding region.

So my advice would be not to change it. The GUI should really be more dynamic 
to display the options as one or the other where necessary but that should wait 
for the next release i think.


On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 10:30 AM, jorge 
zamora<zam...@ebi.ac.uk<mailto:zam...@ebi.ac.uk>>  wrote:

In 'ensembl genes' mart we have a 'validation error' that comes up when
a user tries to select in SEQUENCES attributes upstream AND downstream
sequences. Current we only allow to select upstream OR downstream (just
only one of them).

Now we're considering to allow the users to select both attributes
upstream AND downstream. I've tried to identify the place where we
impose that restriction in the configuration but I haven't found it, not
even the place where 'validation error' message is stored:

Validation Error: For this sequence option choose upstream OR downstream
gene flanking sequence, NOT both, as makes no sense to simply
concatenate them together.

any idea about how to find the restriction in order to disable it?

Many thanks,

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