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Yes, anyone who blames Palin's crosshairs is being dogmatic...which is a
straw argument.

However, any number of people here have been saying that anyone who sees any
connection between the incident and the political climate just doesn't know
or care about mental illness.  That's dogmatic.  And if you and Mason and
others don't really believe that, why keep repeating it.

Yes, the media is abuzz with all sorts of things.  I periodically catch bits
and pieces of it, but most of the last hour of news I endured actually had
about five minutes of news in it.  Buzzes and titters today notwithstanding,
it would take the announcement of one more forthcoming irrelevancy--maybe
another royal wedding--to have them buzzing about that.  Frankly, I think
the media's there to put voices in our heads for those of us that don't have
them chemically...

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