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On 2/12/15 6:27 PM, Einde O'Callaghan via Marxism wrote:
One of their "endearing" tactics that I experienced several times was heckling speakers 
and generally disrupting other groups' meetings until they were physically ejected and then 
organising petitions against "the use of violence in the workers' movement"!

20 years ago they were more "influential", to be more generous to them than they deserve. Doug Henwood touted their newspaper as did Alexander Cockburn. But they were ultimately up against a sea change that was taking place in the post-Soviet where the whole Soviet mystique had lost its attraction. Their whole stance was based on "defending the Soviet Union", which meant supporting the invasion of Afghanistan. There's a residue of that in their perverse backing of the KKE in Greece. To a large extent, there's a large element of contrarianism in their politics. Like Spiked Online but more in an ultraleft direction. I doubt that they have much purpose today except "intervening" at a mass meeting on Syriza, etc., which I suppose is all they need to keep going. Rather thin fare if you ask me.
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