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On 2015-09-07 14:33, Lüko Willms via Marxism wrote:

  this is just a repetition of what they said about the "unnatural
alliance" of the western imperialst powers with the Soviet Union
(USSR) after German imperialism launched the invasion of the USSR on
June 21, 1941 .....

  But look up Churchills June 22, 1941 speech here: .......

  But neither the White House nor Wall Street accepted Syria as their

  But the "Islamic State" is -- in their eyes -- even worse.

  People who can't see the tactical pragmatism of imperialism appear
as pathetic simpletons

Luko, I have no idea how long it took you to write that rather lengthy "response," but in terms of the points made I cannot imagine anyone on this list who you would be disagreeing with! In other words I think you have wasted your time making rather basic points about the pragmatism of the enemy that aren't controversial, but as if it was diametrically opposed to others' statements. The cynic in me suggests that the purpose is to paint others as naive or even sympathetic to Western imperialism simply because we are identifying the major source of suffering in Syria as the side that is actually inflicting it. But perhaps you are being totally sincere and have become so engrossed in a -- dare I say it? -- simpleton's view of relations between Western imperialism and the third world that you cannot tolerate the thoughtful and specific analyses of unfolding events offered by Michael Karadjis and others.


On 2015-09-07 15:08, Lüko Willms via Marxism wrote:
  Good article! Let me repeat its headline:
"As Major Culprit in Creating Crisis, US Rebuked for Failing Refugees"

  That is the line to be followed: "You created the crisis, you then
should take in the refugees which you created".

Again, that is hardly a demand anyone on this list would reject. Except that I would go a bit further:

"You should take in the refugees which you created, or refugees which you might NOT have created, since you have the resources to help them, and moreover because the places they are fleeing from are a large source of the wealth that has been appropriated by the imperialist countries."

Now do you have a problem with THAT Luko? If not, then I guess you're going to have to invent some other "disagreement" where you can proudly respond as if everyone else was clueless.

- Jeff

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