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I must have missed it - was Greenpeace responsible for the high radiation
levels, or is this a case of shooting the messenger?

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 9:43 AM, DW via Marxism <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
> wrote:

> A recent Greenpeace news release leads to an inescapable conclusion: that
> us Finns need to be evacuated immediately, because radiation hazards of
> living in Finland exceed those encountered in Fukushima evacuation zones. I
> therefore humbly ask Greenpeace to find a place for 5.5 million Finns, or
> at the very least for those 549 000 of us who now have to live in a
> radiated wasteland where annual radiation doses are at least two times
> higher than what Greenpeace deems “emergency radiological situation” and
> “an unacceptable radiation risk” in Japan. If possible, could we also find
> a place that’s warm and without slush?
> https://jmkorhonen.net/2017/02/22/hey-greenpeace-could-
> you-find-us-finns-a-warm-place-to-live-in/
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