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Hi Gary,
I've been away from vzla for a while now and am restricted to what I get from aporrea, venezuelanalyis, what marta watches on telesur, globovision and vtv plus letters we receive from friends there. Certainly, the situation is grim there-- not impossible for a revolutionary government with Chavez's periodic audacity-- but the current government has certainly been stalled [presumably because of competing agendas and visions]. It occasionally takes important steps [like the move to local food distribution, the CLACs], and the response this week looks critical. Steve Ellner knows well what is happening, and I read his message in relation to tomorrow's opposition mobilisation [which I posted earlier] as saying, 'no pasaran'. Maduro's call for the 'red tide' vs the opposition march tomorrow says the same, and the focus on arming the militias [which should have been done already] points to the longer struggle. Years ago, Marx said that slaveholders' revolts put the sword in the hands of the social revolution. Let's hope.
    in solidarity,

On 4/18/2017 5:43 PM, Gary MacLennan wrote:
Is the Maduro government going to fall, Michael? he seems to be trapped half way to the revolution and surrounded by enemies who see compromise for weakness. I am all for broad coalitions etc, a la Chavez, but the Right seem to want to call a ruthless Leninism into being. we had Allende and they had Pinochet.



On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 10:14 AM, Michael Lebowitz via Marxism <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu <mailto:marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>> wrote:

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    > From: "Steve Ellner" <sellne...@gmail.com
    > Date: April 18, 2017 at 2:56:11 PM PDT
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    > Subject: Some thoughts on tomorrow's protests
    >> All the opposition marches in April called by Henrique Capriles
    and other Venezuelan leaders of the MUD have sought to reach
    downtown Caracas. The ostensible goal is to present a petition to
    the Defensoria del Pueblo. In a normal situation, such a
    mobilization would certainly be legitimate. But opposition leaders
    fully realize that the government will not allow for the
    protesters to march from the wealthy eastern part of Caracas to
    the downtown area. There are echoes of the April 11, 2002 march
    that led into the coup against President Chávez, when the
    opposition newspaper El Nacional published the large banner
    headline “The Final Battle in Miraflores,” encouraging people that
    day to march to the presidential palace.
    >> Let us assume that the Maduro government, acting in good faith,
    were to allow the opposition protesters to march to the center of
    Caracas. Such a scenario would go something like this:
    >> Scenario one: The Maduro government meets with opposition
    leaders and grants them permission to march to the center of
    Caracas. The opposition agrees to limit the march to 35,000 people
    and to end the protest in the late afternoon.
    >> Scenario two: Peaceful march to the center of Caracas.
    Everything goes according to plan.
    >> Scenario three: Opposition leaders such as Freddy Guervara (as
    he has said in the past) announces that the opposition will remain
    in the center of Caracas until their demands are met. The less
    extremist leaders such as Capriles now call on their followers to
    join the protest and people come in from the eastern part of
    Caracas, from the eastern part of Venezuela and from the west as
    far away as Táchira, Mérida and Maracaibo. There are now 750,000
    protesters in the center of Caracas.
    >> Scenario four: At nighttime, the guarimba brigades, which
    during the 2014 protests were responsible for widespread
    destruction and violence and have acted in a similar way in recent
    days, go on a rampage and clash with national guardsmen and police.
    >> Scenario five: CNN and other international news outlets
    juxtapose the confrontation of the guarimba brigades with security
    forces, on the one hand, and the peaceful protesters, on the
    other, thus leaving the impression that the government is using
    random force against peaceful protesters (April 11, 2002 anyone?).
    >> Scenario six: At this point Maduro may see the handwriting on
    the wall in which case he resigns. If he doesn’t, we can all
    imagine scenarios seven, eight and nine.
    >> from my blog
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Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Home:   Phone 604-689-9510
Cell: 604-789-4803

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