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I am not sure if I have posted the link to this video by ChunkyMark on the
"Magic Money tree" (performance artist Mark McGowan) but if you have not
watched it, do yourself a treat and open and enjoy.


If ever a video deserved viral status this is it.

So what happens now? There has been a tremendous surge into the Labour
Party since the election.  Membership is now up to 800,000 making it the
largest social Democratic Party in Europe (the world?).

The right wing inside the Labour party has had a serious rebuff. Some will
do a Vicar of Bray thing and become born again Corbynites.  Others will
bide their time to re-emerge and do a nasty bit of back stabbing. A Corbyn
government will be a crisis government - like Maduro's or even Allende's
and, in that context, eventually the Blairites will re-emerge.  Have no
doubts on that score. Capitalism will not be coaxed out of neo-liberalism
and appeals to democracy matter nothing to capitalists. Labour "moderates"
and Blairites will come again to sabotage the movement of the Left.,

But for the first time since the disastrous first months of the Harold
Wilson government, when as Roy Bhaskar pointed out a stubborn reluctance to
devalue the pound destroyed the momentum of the Left, we have hope.

One of the problems for the Capitalists is that they threw all they had at
Corbyn in their media and now their guns have fallen into a sullen silence.
Murdoch, Dacre and the ex KGB thug, who owns the Independent, have played
all their cards and it has not worked.  The social media was full
apparently of novel ways to burn the Sun.  But capitalists have other
weapons and they will be rolled out in due time.

Nonetheless, this is a time of hope and we should celebrate that, in a
serious and sober way of course as Young Seymour pointed out.


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