It is my understanding that this List has repeatedly condemned Zionism and
expressed its support for the right of the Palestinian people to
self-determination. In the event that the moderators have not prepared a
formal statement to this effect, the current situation screams out for such
a formal declaration of support.


>Zionism is indeed Fascism. The US imperialism along with the Fascist
>settler state of Israel are busy killing the Palestinians. This might be
>an "old" news for some of the members of this list, but actually it is
>absolutely disgusting not to see any expression of protest and
>condemnation of this barbaric acts of the rotten Fascist state of Israel,
>let alone any suggestion how to get rid of this Fascist menace to
>humanity, by some members of this list, who usually rave and rant about
>individual cases of pro-imperialism. But when it comes to real
>anti-imperialism and anti-Zionism, one cannot find these boisterous
>"Marxist-Leninists" uttering any word against world-imperialism, and
>especially against world-Zionism, except some rare liberal, and dull
>statements against the Zionist genocide of the Palestininas in order ,
>probably, not to appear outright anti-Marxist-Leninists.
><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
><META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
><META content="MSHTML 6.00.2600.0" name=GENERATOR>
><DIV><FONT size=2>Comrades</FONT>,</DIV>
><DIV><FONT size=2>Zionism is indeed Fascism. The US imperialism along with the
>Fascist settler state of Israel are busy killing the Palestinians. This
>might be
>an "old" news for some of the members of this list, but actually it is
>absolutely disgusting not to see any expression of protest and condemnation of
>this&nbsp;barbaric acts of the rotten Fascist state of Israel, let alone any
>suggestion how to get rid of this Fascist menace to humanity, by&nbsp;some
>members of this list, who&nbsp;usually rave and rant about individual cases of
>pro-imperialism. But when it comes to&nbsp;<EM>real</EM> anti-imperialism and
>anti-Zionism, one&nbsp;cannot find these&nbsp;<EM>boisterous</EM>
>"Marxist-Leninists" uttering any word against world-imperialism, and
>against world-Zionism, except some rare&nbsp;liberal, and dull statements
>against the&nbsp;Zionist&nbsp;genocide of the Palestininas in order&nbsp;,
>probably, not to appear outright anti-Marxist-Leninists.</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>

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