I may be repeating myself, but at this stage I fear more a peace keeping
force that would occupy the place more permanently, and that would
appear to some Palestinians, Jews and Arabs, as a "saviour" (for a

Also, in a somewhat perverse way, possibly the installation of US,
NATO.. bases in Palestine, could toll the end of the Zionist State, and
its replacement with something even worse for the area.

I sometimes feel that Israel has overlived its usefulness for the
imperialists. Its costs, relatively, too much for advantages that could
otherwise be obtained cheaper - in the financial, military, diplomatic,
economic... sense.
It's just a subject for thought.

Javad Eskandarpour wrote:
> Comrades,
> This is another article by Robert Fisk.
>                                         Javad
> Robert Fisk: Mr Powell must see for himself what Israel inflicted on Jenin
> The credibility of US policy on the conflict has been shattered
> 14 April 2002
> Why doesn't Colin Powell go to Jenin? What has happened to the world's moral
> compass – indeed to the United States – when America's most famous
> ex-general, the Secretary of State of the most powerful country on earth, on
> a supposedly desperate mission to stop the bloodshed in the Middle East,
> fails to grasp what is taking place in front of his nose? The stench of
> decaying corpses is wafting out of the Palestinian city. The Israeli army is
> still keeping the Red Cross and journalists from seeing the evidence of the
> mass killings that have taken place there. "Hundreds'' – on Israel's own
> admission – have died, including civilians. Why, for God's sake, can't Mr
> Powell do the decent thing and demand an explanation for the extraordinary,
> sinister events that have taken place in Jenin?
> Instead, after joshing with Ariel Sharon after his arrival in Jerusalem on
> Friday, Mr Powell is playing games, demanding that Yasser Arafat condemn
> Friday's bloody suicide bombing in Jerusalem (total, six dead and 65
> wounded) while failing to utter more than a word of "concern'' for the
> infinitely more terrible death toll in Jenin. Is Mr Powell frightened of the
> Israelis? Does he really have to debase himself in this way? Does he think
> that meeting Arafat, or refusing to do so, takes precedence over the
> enormous humanitarian tragedy and slaughter that has overwhelmed the
> Palestinians? Is President Bush – whose demand that Ariel Sharon withdraw
> his troops from the West Bank has been blandly ignored – so gutless, so
> cynical, as to allow this charade to continue? For this is the endgame, the
> very final proof that the United States is no longer morally worthy of being
> a Middle East peacemaker.
> Even for one who has witnessed so much duplicity in the Middle East, it is a
> shock to reflect on the events of the past nine days. Let's just remember,
> as the Americans would say, "the facts". Almost two weeks ago, the United
> Nations Security Council, with the active participation and support of the
> United States, demanded an immediate end to Israel's reoccupation of the
> West Bank and Gaza. President Bush insisted that Mr Sharon should follow the
> advice of "Israel's American friends'' and – because our own Mr Blair was
> with the President at the time – of "Israel's British friends", and
> withdraw. "When I say withdraw, I mean it," Mr Bush snapped three days
> later. But of course, it's now clear that he meant nothing of the kind.
> Instead, he sent Mr Powell off on his "urgent" mission of peace, a journey
> to Israel and the West Bank that would take the Secretary of State an
> incredible eight days – just enough time, Mr Bush presumably thought, to
> allow his "good friend'' Mr Sharon to finish his latest bloody adventure in
> the West Bank. Supposedly unaware that Israel's chief of staff, Shoal Mofaz,
> had told Mr Sharon that he needed at least eight weeks to "finish the job''
> of crushing the Palestinians, Mr Powell wandered off around the
> Mediterranean, dawdling in Morocco, Spain, Egypt and Jordan before finally
> washing up in Israel on Friday morning. If Washington firefighters took that
> long to reach a blaze, the American capital would long ago have turned to
> ashes. But of course, the purpose of Mr Powell's idleness was to allow
> enough time for Jenin to be turned to ashes. Mission, I suppose,
> accomplished.
> As Israel's indisciplined soldiery yesterday continued to hide their deeds
> from the outside world by preventing the Red Cross, aid workers, ambulances
> and journalists from entering the rubble of Jenin, Mr Powell was sitting
> idly by in Israel, calling for the "utmost restraint'' from an army that has
> not yet finished filling the mass graves of Jenin. That he should see a
> visit to Yasser Arafat – the grotesque, corrupt old man of Ramallah – as the
> make-or-break issue of his "peacemaking" shows just how skewed Mr Powell's
> morality has become. Mr Arafat's advisers (let's not give any credit to the
> would-be "martyr-chairman" of the Palestinian Authority for this) shrewdly
> announced that it is for Mr Powell to condemn the killings in Jenin, for Mr
> Arafat could be expected to condemn the vicious suicide bombing in Jerusalem
> on Friday. And even though Mr Arafat mouthed the relevant words of
> contrition and condemnation yesterday afternoon, it makes little difference.
> All last week, while Mr Sharon's soldiers were running amok in Jenin, White
> House spokesman Ari Fleischer was playing the role of Mr Sharon's point man
> in Washington. When Israel announced that its army was pulling out of three
> tiny West Bank villages – so tiny that no one had ever heard of them
> before – Mr Fleischer announced that this was "a step in the right
> direction''. Then by Friday morning, when even the most dimwitted observer
> had grasped that something was terribly wrong in Jenin, Mr Fleischer was
> telling us that Sharon was "a man of peace''. How much longer, one wonders,
> could this nonsense continue?
> Of course, the Palestinians – or whoever directs the sepulchral, nightmarish
> campaign of suicide bombing, for it surely cannot be the preposterous Mr
> Arafat – are going for the jugular. The Al Aqsa Brigades or Hamas or Islamic
> Jihad clearly intend to ensure that Mr Sharon's ruthless operation fails
> (the Israeli reoccupation, after all, was supposed to be preventing these
> wicked Palestinian crimes) and to ensure that Mr Powell is made to look
> impotent. They seem certain to accomplish both goals. The Palestinian
> Authority, to all intents and purposes, has for now ceased to exist. That
> was surely one of Mr Sharon's intentions. And Mr Powell's weakness, his
> failure of nerve, his cowardice, are now likely to set off an
> Israeli-Palestinian war even more terrible than what we have witnessed so
> far.
> But let's pause for a quick journey down memory lane; to September 1982,
> when Ariel Sharon was "rooting out the network of terror" in the Sabra and
> Chatila refugee camps in Beirut. Before sending Israel's murderous
> Phalangist militia allies into the camps, Mr Sharon told the world that the
> Palestinians had assassinated the Phalangist leader, Bashir Gemayel. This
> was totally untrue, but the Phalange believed him. And evidence is now
> emerging in Beirut that, long after the Americans had called for Israel to
> withdraw the killers from the camp, the Israeli army, commanded by then
> Defence Minister Sharon, handed more than 1,000 survivors over to those same
> murderers to be slaughtered over the following two weeks. This, primarily,
> is why Mr Sharon is so worried by the attempts to indict him for war crimes
> in Brussels.
> Hasn't Mr Powell glanced through the State Department archives for 1982?
> Hasn't he read what Mr Sharon said back then, the same ranting about "terror
> networks" and "rooting out terror" that he employs today? A lexicon which Mr
> Powell himself is now enthusiastically using? Has he forgotten that the
> Israeli Kahan commission held Mr Sharon "personally responsible'' for the
> massacre of those 1,700 civilians? Does Mr Powell really think that Jenin,
> albeit on a smaller scale, is much different? Even if we dismiss all the
> Palestinian claims of civilian butchery, extrajudicial executions and the
> wholesale destruction of thousands of homes, what on earth does he think the
> Israelis are hiding in Jenin? Why doesn't he go and look?
> Yes, the Palestinians' suicide campaign is immoral, unforgivable,
> insupportable. One day, the Arabs – never ones to look in the mirror when it
> comes to their own crimes – will have to acknowledge the sheer cruelty of
> their tactics. They have not done this so far. But since the Israelis never
> attempted to confront the immorality of shooting to death child
> stone-throwers in the early days of the intifada or the evil of their
> reckless death squads who went around murdering Palestinians on their wanted
> list, along with the usual clutch of women and kids who got in the way, is
> this any wonder?
> In the annals of war, the conflict in the Middle East has reached a new
> apogee, but the story of the United States' involvement in the Middle East
> will never be the same again. Thanks to Mr Powell, President Bush and Mr
> Sharon, America's credibility has been shattered. Israel, it turns out, does
> indeed run US policy in the region. The Secretary of State sings from the
> Israeli songbook. So when, oh when, will the Europeans screw their courage
> to the sticking-place and become the peacemakers of the Middle East?
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