Comrade Alexander,

You mention the following: " I sometimes feel that Israel has overlived its
usefulness for the imperialists. Its costs, relatively, too much for
advantages that could otherwise be obtained cheaper - in the financial,
military, diplomatic, economic... sense". The idea of "usefulness" or
"uselessness" of the Zionist settler state of Israel to world Imperialism
might be based on an assumption that the Fascist settler state of Israel is
another "normal" client state of the US imperialism, and not an essential
component of world Imperialism, which could be replaced by another state or
states in the Middle East. I am sure that some Palestinian "authorities" and
Arab states daydream about this "bright" prospect of replacing the Zionist
state. . But the question: Is the Zionist settler state of Israel a "normal"
client state, and not an essential component of world Imperialism?


----- Original Message -----
From: "democrite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 6:00 AM
Subject: Re: [MLL] Zionism is Fascism!

> I may be repeating myself, but at this stage I fear more a peace keeping
> force that would occupy the place more permanently, and that would
> appear to some Palestinians, Jews and Arabs, as a "saviour" (for a
> while).
> Also, in a somewhat perverse way, possibly the installation of US,
> NATO.. bases in Palestine, could toll the end of the Zionist State, and
> its replacement with something even worse for the area.
> I sometimes feel that Israel has overlived its usefulness for the
> imperialists. Its costs, relatively, too much for advantages that could
> otherwise be obtained cheaper - in the financial, military, diplomatic,
> economic... sense.
> It's just a subject for thought.
> Alexander

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