
it is not now a question of, *if* we shall discuss Trotskyism on the list,
it has already been introduced as topic for discussion. It has similarities
to all previous penetrations of Trotskyist views onto the list, in that,
they come uninvited and unwelcome to a M-Lst discussion forum, our
experience shows us that they have always in the past, without exception,
resulted in devolving on the 'trials'and a general attack and denunciation
of that excellent marxist-leninist leader, Stalin. But we also know that
there has *always* been an objective result in each instance of such
discussion on the list and that has been the self exposure of the
counter-revolutionary tendencies of a number of comrade subscribers.
Granted, there may too have been the beneficial influence on  number of
unknown students/subscribers. The argument that Trotskyist theoretical
classics be studied for the benefit of communists who are unclear on
Trotskyism may sound good advice but how much does a socialist need to know
about this shallow political idealogy to be convinced of its class
orientation? Do we need to delve into a sewer to discover the nature of
excretia. The fundamentals of counter-revolutionary Trotskyist
'internationalism' i.e., its opposition to the proven Marxist-Leninist
policy of 'socialism in one country' are quite clear and soon grasped by the
novice student of revolutionary socialism if they study, instead of Trotsky
classics those of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao and we must not forget
the historical experience of the first concrete instance of socialism in one
country. If the logic of introducing this discussion on the list is followed
then perhaps it would be better for us all to join a Trot list and attempt
to convince them to study Marxist-Leninist classics like Stalin's works on
the national question.

I for one, will have an eye on the fundamentals of Marxism and
Marxism-Leninism while some will discuss the fundamentals of Trotskyism. It
will be obvious that I dislike and am reluctant to wade again through
Trotskyist mire but at the same time I understand that in the struggle of
opposites while they are mutually exclusive, (hence we have different lists)
while they also have common identity, universality, which is why there is
licence to introduce a discussion on the opposite ideology onto the list; I
accept that as inevitable. So I say, bring on your discussion once again for
the thousanth time so that we may show for the thousanth time in open debate
that Trotskyism does not offer a practical solution to the proletariat for
the achievement of socialism. The universality of the two opposites in
struggle here is *revolutionary socialism* while their particularity is
*Trotskyism* on the one hand and *Marxism-Leninism* on the other. The first
observation is that Trotskyism is not Marxism-Leninism but is diametrically
opposed to it. Each purports its revolutionary road to socialism and each
has a class basis.

fraternally Alan.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Javad Eskandarpour
> Sent: Wednesday, 23 August 2000 12:16
> Subject: Re: [MLL] Trotsky year: on Stalinism
> Comrade Klo,
> In ideological struggle against the ideologues of Imperialism of its
> offshoots, like Trotskites and others, we must analyse the works of their
> best representatives, not of their worst ones. Thus, I am willing
> to analyse
> the works of Trotsky, and of his few well-known followers. I am
> not willing
> to discuss just anybody who wants to slander Marxism-Leninism without even
> understanding either Marxism-Leninism or Trotskyism.
> Javad

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