Clifford Hammerschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >    #define PORT_MASQ_BEGIN  61000
> >    #define PORT_MASQ_END    (PORT_MASQ_BEGIN+4096)
> I though that since it was build into the kernel it also modified the
> code for creating sockets so user sockets where from 1024-61000,
> rather than 1024-64k.  (In theory you should be able to place MASQ in
> any 4k range and have it configure that regular socket calls to avoid
> that space right?)

Maybe.  I haven't looked deeply enough to find out if that's the case. 
At any rate, it doesn't matter, because your masq box is not the only
computer that chooses socket port numbers.

Some other computer on your internal LAN, or on the external Internet,
might attempt to interact with your masq box using a randomly-chosen
port.  Usually these ports are in the range of 1024-32767, if I remember
correctly.  An application can of course choose a specific port number,
but that's not very common.  However, I have seen some programs that
choose high-numbered ports, such as 44444; but these are somewhat

The main thing I'm trying to get across is that if you move your masq
range down to a different set of values, and some other program attempts
to use a port in that range, be it on your own masq box or another
box attempting to talk to your masq box, the communication will fail,
and it will not be clear why it is failing.  The higher you keep the
masq range, the less likely this will be, mostly because it is simply
unconventional to use such high-valued port numbers in common practice.

Did you talk to the ISP yet?  Or are you simply wishing to entertain
an academic discussion on this subject?  I thought that there was a
particular problem we were trying to solve here.

I would call them and tell them that I have a particular application
that I want to run, that uses ports in the 61000+ range, and tell them
that I'm having trouble using that application, and I'm wondering if the
problem is on their end.  Then see what they say.  :)

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