OBS is a very useful tool, just not for the purposes you were
apparently forced to use it for. I've used it for the commit, push
package, wait for build failure type development cycle as well, and I
agree, it's far from optimal - but for easily making heavily

There are couple of ways to speed up the development also when working in the OBS environment, especially when really trying to solve real development problems. Here couple of tips.

1) offline option "-o" when doing osc build will speed up things a little when trying to do a multiple local builds in a row, as then the
obs does not try to get the latest dependency list from the server.
"osc build -o armv8el" as an example...

2)When doing a development, you can first create the chroot env with
  "osc build" command and then after the first build have started switch
  to chroot environment

a) osc co Project:DE:Trunk/ohm
b) cd Project:DE:Trunk/ohm
c) osc build armv8el
   ... wait the build to complete or fail and then switch to chroot env
d) cd /var/tmp/osc-build-root/
e) sudo su
f) chroot .
g) cd home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/ohm-1.1.14
h) run commands like "make/make install" on chrooted bash shell
i) edit the files by using your favourite editor from another shell
   from dir "/var/tmp/osc-build-root/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/ohm-1.1.14"

3) you can have multiple chrooted environments by editing "build-root"
variable from the ~/.oscrc file. I for example prefer of having something like: build-root = /obs/buildroots/%(repo)s-%(arch)s

4) You can force that "osc build" command will always put certain packages to chroot env in addition of the direct dependencies of certain app by listing these extra packages is ~/.oscrc file.
For example: extra-pkgs = gdb strace

What I am also missing would be an easy way to configure the QT creator easily to use the qt, qml and gcc from the chrooted env.
(So I could just do the qml editing with the qt-creator by using those
components that happens to be installed in the chroot env that the osc build command has created.) So if somebody knows ways to do that, I would be very interested.

customised distributions, OBS is great.

e.g. seeing our duicontrolpanel on MeeGo-MeeGo installation instead of
Harmattan is a whole different experience than seeing it on Harmattan


But good news, there is a easy technology to make a superb UI framework 
rapidly, QML.
It needs some work,  needs to be consistent UI concept, excellent graphics 
(which have a meaning,

The technology is, at the end of the day, not that important (though I
agree that QML makes life a lot easier) - at the end of the day, you
can have the best written UI in the world, and it will still look like
complete and utter crap without decent theming.

Hopefully we can poke some of the awesome graphical people around like
wazd to give us a hand with some of this.

- Many of the lower layers have been already open sourced by companies and
it is just about utilizing them and doing the top of the cake right. There
are some missing pieces, but filling the gaps should not be impossible.

One of the missing gaps, at least on Handset CE, is the settings
application. As you point out, it is not visually pleasing, it has
flickering text ("!! Wifi" before changing to the actual text), and
other issues which make it a bit pailful to use.

Given your experience with it, would you like to dedicate some time to
making it more usable, perhaps even doing some thinking on how to
approach it from the QML world?


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