2011/10/6 d4lamar <d4la...@gmail.com>:
>> * That primary customers of the platform are device vendors - not end-users.
> I think that this point in Mer Project or in any other branch/fork of
> Meego is to be corrected.
> Vendors come and vendors go, they don't care about Community as long
> as they can use it for their purposes and for me this was the main
> problem with Maemo, Moblin, Meego and if their strategies change they
> drop their products and their Communities.

So, let me describe a bit what I mean with vendor. What we're trying
to establish is a common, streamlined Linux/Qt core for others to
build on top of. For end users, this is horribly boring - the code on
it's own would just show a blinking cursor/a xterm/a qml demo

A vendor, in our view, is someone who takes the core, mixes it with
their own bits, makes it into some kind of a product. As an example,
this could be Plasma Active user experience, taking the core, some
hardware adaptations and their own UX. It could be a small business
that makes bus displays. It could be a hobbyist at home who doesn't
want to bother making his own distribution and just want to show a
clock on his LCD. But we're not the people who deliver the final

In their work, they'll come up with improvements to the core and
proposed requirements for the core.

With a proper, openly governed and discussed requirements/roadmap
process, we move ahead while maintaining quality and focus. I'll
expect those handling the requirements management to be objective in
their work.

My primary motivation about the "not end users" is the fact that this
practically ruined MeeGo, the personality split between "just a core"
and "look, shiny netbook ui" - the core was actually fantastic for
building things with, but the reference UX'es and end user's reviews
caused it to be perceived badly.

Instead, I'd like to see the amazing things people can build on top.
So many possibilities, really (just go look at the videos of what
people did with the MeeGo + Nokia N900 hardware adaptations)

We have chosen to move out the hardware adaptations and UX'es out of
the core, into the community surrounding it, to get rid of a lot of
politics - to concentrate on what's technically good and benefits us
all - not having to maintain our own mobile distribution ourselves.

> These are my 2 cents, sorry for bothering.

An opinion isn't bothering :)

Carsten Munk
MeeGo-dev mailing list

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