I earlier reported problems when using the HP970cxi.

Having spent most of the day on the phone to HP tech support, the upshot is
that the HP970 driver does not work on the laptop (Hah!), although a clean
re-install has (it seems) solved things on the PC.

Just in case you need the info, the main jobs required are:
1. Ensure at least 64Mb RAM
2. Replace printer cables with (expensive) fully bi-directional IEEE 1284
3. Confirm LPT1 port is set to ECP in the BIOS
4. Remove all Epsom drivers
5. Download and install drivers for the HP895 (What??)

Good news for Mac users: You don't get any of this.


Hugh Senior

The Flexible Learning Company
Consultant Programming & Software Solutions
Fax/Voice: +44 (0)1483.27 87 27
Web: www.flexibleLearning.com

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