 > I chose Metakit because:
 > 1/ it is an excellent library that perfectly suits my needs.
 > 2/ it's open source and the author has very good reputation of seriousness 
 > (hence my disappointment).

What you have run up against is the real evil of the proprietary
nature of the dominant desktop operating system.  The bug, if that's
what it is, is in Windows: it does not cater for the generality of use
to which it may be put, which involves a lot of us in chasing round
finding fixes for our applications (and making damn sure we never
never never *trust* Windows to behave as expected).   I just spent the
best part of a week fixing some of our own code that broke, after
several years of flawless use, because the customer started running
software built for Win2000 on XP SP2.   Nothing to do with MetaKit,
same code on various Unices and everything from MS-DOS 2.0 to Win2000
has run with no such error for 18 years.

If I had had the source to Windows, that is what I would have patched.
As it is, Micro$oft attempt to make the world revolve around them, to
conform to their choices and pettifogging 'philosophy'.   So I had to
write a workaround, which complicates my code unnecessarily.

My experience in general with Windows networking (and other aspects of
it as an OS) is that you should never trust it not to cache what you
would rather it did not cache, to cache what you expect it to cache,
or not to have undisclosed limitation, flaws and "features".

I tend to agree with jcw that data sharing over a network is best done
using a client-server approach: there are too many lines of code you
will never get to see in between otherwise, and trusting them without
checking is perilous.

And please cut the histrionics.  This is a courteous mutual assistance
forum.   Those of us who consume more than we are able to supply owe
at least a certain politesse, not to say gratitude, for the generosity
of others.

Steve Blinkhorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Metakit mailing list  -  Metakit@equi4.com

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