On 14/02/2007, at 9:22 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hector, Matt,

I won't be working on the problem for a while. So, if either of you
implement a suitable c4_strategy perhaps you would be kind enough to share your work and spare me some effort. I'll do likewise if I get ahead of you.

Well, though I'm a Metakit user, I'm far from being familiar with its internals. I had a look at it, and it looks beyond my skills. I wait for JCW to make a statement on the subject. I would be very surprised/disappointed if he was aware of a serious corruption bug and did nothing about it...

There is no serious corruption bug in Metakit - rather there is a bug (or limitation) in Windows networking that is triggered by Metakit.

Now, the distinction might appear to be tenuous, but I put it to you that you have at least three alternatives
- diagnose and produce a workaround (as Pat did)
- wait for someone to contribute a workaround
- engage Jean-Claude( or another developer) to produce the workaround

The bottom line is that you're using an open source product on a proprietary platform and (unlike many many many people using Metakit on other platforms) you're encountering problems due to the broken nature of that platform. Whilst that is unfortunate, to tar Metakit with that brush or imply that Jean-Claude is in any way obliged to provide you with a workaround is (IMNSHO) neither appropriate nor helpful.

Now that I've got that off my chest, let me say that I'm sure people will help if they can (evidence Pat's detailed mailing on the topic). I share your frustration in that there is much about Windows networking that drives me crazy. But your alternatives are clear - you either need patience or be willing to invest time and/or money to provide a workaround in the timescale you need. That's life, I'm afraid.



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