There is no body that is legally recognized. Also, with all the diversity
in meteorites and the way the whole hobby/business is set up it would be
impossible for there to be a body like that and for the hobby to continue
in its current state.  Diamonds are an example of something that the
industry has created a value for that doesn't really exist -- meaning that
once you buy one it loses 80% of that value -- and probably not a good
thing for the meteorite community to model itself after.

On Sun, Jul 24, 2022 at 9:25 AM Maurizio Eltri via Meteorite-list <> wrote:

> Some sell meteorites with a CERTIFICATION OF AUTHENTICITY document,
> maybe I'm wrong, but a "CERTIFICATION OF AUTHENTICITY" document
> shouldn't be issued only by a specific body that is legally
> recognized? Such as GIA, IGI, HRD for diamonds? A simple WARRANTY
> DOCUMENT is no longer appropriate for meteorites?
> --
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