
You can call a certificate of authenticity a "marketing tool" but at the
same time I feel it is as good of a description as any of what it is, and
it does have a function.  When you say that "in many cases they are printed
by the seller" that, to me, is the main point of them. They are like
labels, but labels that emphasize the information of the prior owner, so
they form a provenance chain.  So I always make sure I keep the COAs from
my pieces, so that I never misplace them, so that I can trace the ownership
chain as far back as I can.

On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 7:40 AM Alfredo Petrov via Meteorite-list <> wrote:

> Meteorite "Certificates of Authenticity" are mainly just a marketing tool
> to appeal to the general public, as in many cases they are printed by the
> seller, so they are no different from any other seller-issued "product
> guarantee", and are in fact unnecessary because, in most countries,
> commercial law obliges sellers to provide accurate labeling for their
> merchandise. So an honest seller will compensate a buyer for any
> identification mistakes with or without a "certificate", and a dishonest
> seller's "certificates" were worthless to begin with.
> So at least in my personal opinion what I need from the seller is a
> *label*, the more detailed the better, and using words like "Certificate
> of Authenticity" does not impress me at all nor add any extra value to a
> specimen.
> On Sun, 24 Jul 2022 at 09:24, Maurizio Eltri via Meteorite-list <
>> wrote:
>> Some sell meteorites with a CERTIFICATION OF AUTHENTICITY document,
>> maybe I'm wrong, but a "CERTIFICATION OF AUTHENTICITY" document
>> shouldn't be issued only by a specific body that is legally
>> recognized? Such as GIA, IGI, HRD for diamonds? A simple WARRANTY
>> DOCUMENT is no longer appropriate for meteorites?
>> --
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