On 5/4/07 8:19 AM, "James Craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Copied the entire email below for context. Tantek, if you post this
> to the wiki, please note it as opinion and give a link to the thread.
> Marking this as fact would misrepresent the views of the Microformats
> group as a whole.

I disagree - Al's explanation provides good reasons *in general* why visible
data works (and why invisible does not work), and so far, all that has been
thrown up against his statements are a bunch of theoreticals, mostly
centered around the "tools will solve the problem" fallacy that so many have
fallen for historically (i.e. look at so many metadata like efforts before
microformats that have failed miserably depending on such fallacies).

Al's statements are well reasoned conclusions, not opinions.


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