Andy Mabbett wrote:

Tantek Çelik writes

Al's explanation provides good reasons *in general* why visible data
works (and why invisible does not work),

        <a href="cheese" lang="fr">Fromage<a>

Where's the visible data there? By your logic, tags should only work on the anchor element's content, not the tail of it's URL. You appear to be
operating double standards.

I agree. Using an optional title on the following would be a much better solution for rel-tag than the current implementation. Though, as indicated, the french tag should probably still remain in French.

<a rel="tag" href="/username/tags/cheese" title="Cheese">Your Cheese<a>
<a rel="tag" href="/tags/cheese" title="Cheese">Everyone's Cheese<a>
<a rel="tag" href="/tags/fromage" title="Fromage" lang="fr">Fromage<a>

Using title would also allow proper internationalization of rel-tag. For example, the restful katakana tag space is readable only to machines.

<a rel="tag" href="/tags/%u30D4%u30D5/" title="ピフ">ピフ</a>

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