
I have 2 internet connections.
Each one is handled by an Openbsd system.
Each one has an intERnet address.
Each one is doing NAT for the intRAnet hosts.
I have a smtp server (not openbsd) inside the intRAnet,
its ip address is for example
I want the smtp server be contacted by both
public adresses on the internet.
What can I do ?

I want c1 be able to connect "directly" to the smtp1 host 
via ob1 or via ob2 depending on the ip used (ob1 or ob2).

  +----+  +--------+                    
  | c1 |__|Internet|                    
  +----+  +--------+                    
           |      |                     
           |      |                     
           |      |                     
      +-----+    +-----+                
      | ob1 |    | ob2 |                
      +-----+    +-----+                
            | smtp1 |                    

Thanks in advance.

Au revoir,                                02 99 64 31 77
                                          06 20 79 76 06
Gilles Lamiral. France, Chavagne (35310)  08 72 27 33 66

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