Дана 24/05/08 02:37PM, Karsten Pedersen написа:
> [...] The C program can be as simple as compiling "Hello World" to exhibit the
> issue. Takes about 15 seconds to compile "Hello World". [...]

On a Lenovo IdeaPad 3-15IGL05 81WQ[1] laptop:

$ time sh -c "printf '#include <stdio.h>\\nint main() { puts(\"Hello,\
 world!\"); }\\n' | cc -o hello -xc -"
    0m01.24s real     0m00.16s user     0m00.42s system

15 seconds? What is happening in the background? Ports compilation while 
encoding video?

[1]: https://psref.lenovo.com/Product/IdeaPad/IdeaPad_3_15IGL05

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