On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 11:05 AM, Ferran Pujol Camins
<ferranpujolcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So to start the engines running, I'd would like to know what
> development tools or environment do you use to develop Mixxx and why
> (if there is a specific reason).
> Furthermore, any other help or suggestion will be welcome as well.

Hi Ferran,

Mixxx is definitely a great project to work on if you're looking for
something a bit larger than school projects and are in DJing -- you're
in the right place.

To answer your question, the only real constant I'm aware of between
developers is bazaar, our version control system. Otherwise, you're
free to use what you want. I personally just use vim on Linux, but
it's also possible to use Visual Studio on Windows, Xcode on OSX
(although I've never tried this), or any text editor as long as it
saves newlines properly as \n (so nothing that comes with Windows, but
Notepad++ is good).


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