Thomas Klausner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on 12/11/2001:
> I've got a small CPAN Namespace Question:
> Some time ago I wrote CGI::URI2param (
> ).
> Now, thanks to an idea by darren chamberlain, I wrote a small
> PerlInitHandler that does nothing more than parse some
> PerlSetVars and then call uri2param(). But still it is very
> convienient to use it like this.
> So should I: 1* put the Apache Handler into CGI::URI2param,
> which maybe is some sort of Namespace violation (you'd have to
> say PerlInitHandler CGI::URI2param in httpd.conf)
> 2* create a new module, Apache::URI2param, which only contains
> the config parsing stuff and requires CGI::URI2param. This
> would result in two small modules cluttering CPAN, where one of
> those (Apache::URI2param) is useless without the other
> 3* dump CGI::URI2param in favour of Apache::URI2param, which
> wouldn't make much sense either, because the code does not
> depend on mod_perl (and not even on Apache)
> 4* let the users write there own handlers
> I tend to use solution 1, but if you would like to comment on
> this, I would really appreciate some feedback!

  5)  Include Apache::URI2Param with the CGI::URI2Param module
      that gets installed along with CGI::URI2Param if is
      installed, where Apache::URI2Param calls

That'd be the way I would go, although I'm not sure what
Makefile.PL would look like.


A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other
invention, with the possible exceptions of handguns and Tequila. 
    -- Mitch Ratcliffe

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