
As has been pointed out in the past, the VERSION of a module does not
necessarily reveal the module's maturity or robustness.  This is
particularly true for the RPC::XML module.

I am using it in two production environments, in both client and
modperl-enabled server modes with excellent results.  It's dependency on
the XML::Parser module has been a NO-OP for my Solaris8 deployment

I am pleased with its overall performance, ease of use and robustness,
as well as the author's continued support.



>>>>> "Eric" == Eric Frazier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Eric> Hi, Thanks, the thing that scared me about RPC::XML was the
    Eric> 0.37 version number :)

    Eric> I will give it a serious try before I go to something like
    Eric> SOAP.

    Eric> Within RPC::XML:

    Eric>  Apache::RPC::Server - A subclass of RPC::XML::Server tuned
    Eric>        for mod_perl

    Eric> I didn't see this until now. :) Getting warm fuzzy feeling
    Eric> now. Thanks again,

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