Upon successfully compiling mod_perl 2.0, and modifying httpd.conf so
that it becomes invoked at the start of Apache 2.0.43, the following
error message is gernerated.  It is "httpd failed. The error was:
Starting httpd: httpd: module "mod_perl.c" is not compatible with this
version of Apache.
Please contact the vendor for the correct version. [FAILED]"

If you would like you, may refer to the previous thread named "mod_perl
make failed: cannot find -lapr" for a history of the root of this
problem-particularly the last post directly before this article.  This
also shows the detail environment and configuration for the server in
question.  Else, I would be glad more details to this post.  In brief,
let me say, the system consists of RH 8.0, apache 2.0.43, and current
CVS edition of mod_perl 2.0.  It has a date stamp of 1/1/03.

This is one problem which I don't know how to proceed with.  Is this
message saying the code in mod_perl's "mod_perl.c" is using an edition
of 'C' code that is incompatible with Apache 2.0?  Is the development
environment for which mod_perl 2.0 is being developed, by its creators,
using a 'C' compiler that is different than what is found on RH 8.0?
Does any one have an idea of how I might go about solving this problem?
Any advance given would be appreciated.  

Steve D

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