
You 'maybe' on to something here.  Let me report to you what I found.
In order to be as careful and consistent as possible, I've actually
started to keep a log of my activities.  It records which commands which
I've been used to compile the packages.  So I can saw with certainty the
following.  Here are the parameters which I used to compile both Apache
and mod_perl.

To configure Apache:
./configure --prefix=/etc/httpd --with-mpm=prefork

To configure mod_perl:
perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=/etc/httpd MP_APXS=/etc/httpd/bin/apxs

Also, when I examine /etc/httpd/bin/httpd (the executable),
/etc/httpd/lib/libarp*,  and /etc/module/mod_perl.so, all the theses
files have a creation date that's current (today's date).  Plus,
/etc/httpd/httpd.conf points to the current file locations.  According
to the RH 8.0 docs regarding Apache 2.X, they suggest modifying
httpd.conf to incorporate the use of an include statement which invokes
/etc/conf.d/perl.conf.  This latter file points to
/etc/httpd/module/mod_perl.3.0.  I've mapped the files and dates.  There
doesn't appear to be any conflict here.  

However, for good measure, I just completed a search of the /etc/* and
/usr/* directories for the presence of the httpd executable.  And there
are two of them on the system.  To be expected, the /etc/httpd/bin/httpd
executable is present.  However, these is also an existence of a httpd
executable under /usr/sbin.  When I changed the name of /etc/sbin/httpd
to /etc/sbin/httpd-bu (backup).  The httpd web server wouldn't start any
longer (I toggled this off and on via the service utilility [start ->
system settings -> service]).  /etc/sbin/httpd has a footprint of 384.7K
where as /etc/httpd/bin/httpd is a 2meg file.  I don't know whether
/etc/sbin/httpd is being used to merely start /etc/httpd/bin/httpd or
not.  If you can advise further it would be helpful.

This is the first time which I had to gain the merits (and subsequent
challenges) of dealing with the open source world.  Bringing mod_perl
on-line has been a bitter-sweet experience.  On the up side, it is
certainly sweet to gain help from others for which I am exceedingly
grateful for.  In this regard, the help being provided is making this a
better experience.  To your credit, I not accustom to this type of aid
when dealing with the proprietary world.  That is, I am not familiar
with receiving the same degree of cooperation, support, and camaraderie.
Therefore, let me continue to express my gratitude.  It means a lot to
me.  Thank you.  


Steve D

-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Kobes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 5:19 PM
To: Steve Davis
Subject: RE: mod_perl.c Not Compatible with Apache 

On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Steve Davis wrote:

> Randy,
> All of what I've done, in the form of compiling software, has been
> on the same computer and with the same release of the RH.  So, there
> nothing for which I'm doing to distinctly change which compiler is
> used between the compilations of the packages.
> As best as I can recall, the answer is 'yes' to the last three
> you asked.  1) Everything compiles successfully.  2) The edition of
> mod_perl was obtained from cvs.apache.org while the Apache was from
> distribution source repository.  3) The various release numbers for
> packages where the most current; hence, 2.0.43 of Apache and 2.0 for
> mod_perl.
> Maybe there is some difference between the distribution and CVS
> of Apache.  Perhaps, the next step will be to match packages via
> obtaining CVS editions from both packages and see what happens then.
> This shouldn't take to long.  I'll give it a shot and provide an

This is strange ... I just tried, on a RedHat 7.1 system, the
cvs modperl-2.0 sources compiled against
    Server version: Apache/2.0.43
built using stock httpd-2.0.43 sources, and it went fine. You 
shouldn't have to use the cvs apache sources. mod_perl was built as
 perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=/usr/local/httpd MP_INST_APACHE2=1
where the httpd binary is installed under /usr/local/httpd/bin. 

One thought ... Some Linux distributions come with their own
Apache server, which may be in a different location than the
Apache 2.0.43 you built and installed. Are you sure that the
mod_perl you built is being used with your Apache-2.0.43
specified under MP_AP_PREFIX?

best regards,

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