
There are many reasons for you to select one of them such as
- if you are looking for an easy way to present your contents, try PHP.
- if you are an expert on Perl/CGI, of course, you would like use Perl/CGI
- if you are put more attention on traffic/speed, you can try Mod_perl.
- ....

Again, selecting your favorite programming language depends on what you
need on your project, what's your favorite and how much cost allowed, etc.

Hope it helpful,


programming skill

                      "Devi .M"                                                        
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     
            >                    cc:                                     
                                               Subject:  Server side programming PHP 
Vs CGI Vs modPerl              
                      02/13/2003 12:40                                                 

Hello All,
             We have a server running in a Linux machine, now we would like
present the data in a browser using HTML interface. Can anyone suggest me
which is the best one (CGI or PHP or modperl) to develop for web
programming and also their advantages and differences to choose them as
the best

Thanks in advance,

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