At 07:29 PM 11/11/99 CST, Benjamin P wrote:
>Although that particular record is not so rare, The record shopping in the 
>Twin Cities is fantastic! Far better than chicago for sure!

Now I realize I've never gone record shopping in the Twin Cities, but damn'
Benjamin, Chicago's the town I found (I have to mention this again) both
Mellow Fellow AND Seven Day Fool for only $4 each. For crying out loud,
that's the city that started my record collection--go easy on it.

At 08:30 PM 11/11/99 -0500, Davy Love wrote:

>I think it's ridiculous to post such whining boo hoo sob stories about being
>dumped on this list... there may be a lot of you bleeding heart types out 
>there who want to read it but there is a lot of people out there who don't 
>really care that some little swedish girl had her heart broken... and that 
>includes me... If I posted some whiney shit like this you better believe I'd 
>get the flames... my ass would still be charred!


>Move on and try talking to your family or friends or try private email with
>listers... Not all of us care, we have problems of our own to deal with...
>some more than others...!

Davy, correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember (Actually, it was
Sun, 04 Jul 1999 13:18:32 -0400) reading quite a long e-mail written by you
right after the little Buffalo girl (Brenda) packed up and went home. Sure,
you seemed to be taking it all in stride, but you *did* find it neccessary
to share your obviously emotional experience with the list.

Best yet, nobody flamed you for it.

Damn', my mouth is *killing* me,
Eamon "Wisdom Tooth" Caddigan
e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ 13257256
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