Davy I think we are soulmates, I really do, so nice to see someone that 
thinks like me, although that is also scary.  Seriously this broad seems to 
be really full of herself,  blah blah we all get dumped, (some more than 
others( but to come on this list whining for sympathy and to get some 
attention, and actually getting it is really sickening.  Stop your damn 
whining and perhaps things will get better.  If you fucking complain and self 
indulge yourself by whining then you'll stay in your hole without a chance of 
ever being content because you refuse to move on.  If you still choose to 
stay in your hole do it where I don't have to read your bullshit because I 
find it selfish and self indulgent and I refuse to indulge anyone else but 
myself!  Yes I can see some of you sods already burning to type a "witty" 
response to my realistic way of looking at things and all I have to say is, 
"fuck off and take that broomhandle out of your ass, then we'll talk." 
                                    love always, tracy moore

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