* Lincoln A. Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-02-26 05:00]:
>> Also, if anything, it would have to be XML::StrictTemplate,
>> since XML::Template::Strict sounds like it has some sort of
>> commonality with XML::Template, of which there is absolutely
>> none.
>Now that I like better. it conveys a real distinction, and tells
>me something.

The problem is that the distinction is really hard to put in a
single word. How do you express “templatish, Perlish and XMLish?”

>> Maybe I should give up and just try to generically
>> differentiate from XML::Template, like maybe XML::ExTemplate?
>If you are going in that direction... why not just
>XML::XTemplate or XML::xTemplate or XML::nTemplate (n=new)

I was thinking ::SlickTemplate.

>Now that I think about it... why not post a pod so we can see
>what the interface might look like.

I don’t have anything like that yet. I’m still in the sketching
phase, the code is only half-written, etc. As I said, I might end
up never uploading this at all.

>Are you depending on one of the XML parser modules?

Yes, XML::LibXML, but I don’t think that’s a useful distinction
for naming the module, if that was your tack.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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