On November 1st Chris wrote:

> Is this discount completely unique to the UK?

I wouldn't've thought so.  But I only know UK mortgages, and the things
I mentioned weren't included by Dmitri in the description of what his
module does, nor on the webpage he linked to about how to calculate USA
and Canadian mortgages.

So the module as described is insufficient to deal with UK mortgages.
It presumably is sufficient for those in other places.  So I think it
should avoid having a name which overstates its remit; other modules on
Cpan have done that.

Here's one which recently renamed itself to include "EN" in its name, on
the basis that the 'natural' dates it deals with are only natural to the
subset of the world that speaks English, not the entire population:


> The US has adjustable rate mortages which affect the rate based on
> economic conditions.

I think that's common, but it's also common to ignore it -- basically
because as soon as you have a formula which includes 'what interest
rates will be in a decade's time' you end up with a function which
always returns undef, and that isn't very interesting!


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