* Andy Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-11-26 00:30]:
> On 25 Nov 2006, at 23:19, Jonathan Rockway wrote:
>> On Saturday 25 November 2006 16:00, Andy Armstrong wrote:
>>> Anyway, the PAUSE indexer has failed because:
>>>       status: Not indexed because Geo-Cache-0.06/lib/Geo/Gpx.pm in
>>>               R/RB/RBOW/Geo-Cache-0.06.tar.gz has a higher version
>>> number
>>>               (0.1)
>>> I spoke to Rich Bowen (the original author) and agreed that
>>> I'd take over the module and release a new version - but
>>> obviously I can't because PAUSE thinks Geo::Gpx is part of
>>> Geo::Cache. Does anyone know what I should do? I could ask
>>> Rich to make a release of Geo::Cache that had Geo::Gpx as
>>> a dependency rather than bundling it - does anyone know if
>>> that'd fix it?
>> That would probably fix it. You should also bump the version
>> number  of your module to 0.11, to placate the PAUSE indexer.
> I probably didn't make myself clear; that's exactly what I've
> done.  It seems to be confused because it's saying that
> Geo::Cache has a  higher version - which it doesn't - it's at
> 0.06.

    $ GET http://search.cpan.org/src/RBOW/Geo-Cache-0.06/lib/Geo/Gpx.pm | grep 

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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