On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 08:58:01AM -0800, alan wrote:
> >
> >On a more serious side, getting rid of it [Time::Cubic] should be
> >pretty open and shut. CPAN is a public resource managed by private
> >entities.

I'm generally against the idea of censorship in all its forms, and
/definitely/ against the idea of removing a Perl module from CPAN just
because something *within the code* offended somebody--or even lots of

I support the idea that a CPAN author has the right to write his (her,
etc.) code *any way he wants*/--which includes the use of comments that
might appear scurrilous to some (which appears to be the complaint
against Time::Cubic).

What's the alternative? That we have every CPAN Module scanned for
offensive components, including comments (# shit happens!), variable
names ($KKK), variable names (my $ugly_female_boss), and statement
labels? (NUKE_OJ_BUSH_AND_OSAMA: for $ever)

Wouldn't we be better off investing our collective JAPHly energies in
the expanding our market share and completion of Perl 6 and rather
than the creation of "Regexp::Common::Enforce_Code_Nazi_Policies"?

If we /were/ to become Code Nazis, the slippery-slope that we'd be
embarking on would unavoidably affect many "eccentric" modules
which people value (Regexp::Common::profanity_us,
Tie:Hash::Cannabinol, etc.).

I realize that some CPAN users live in countries where people have
strict limits on their freedom of expression, and I empathize with
those who have taken offense at someone else's indulgences of their
unbridled liberties.

But remember, Perl is the language that has a "poetry mode"!
It's designed for those who value unfettered self expression.

|  Tim Maher, PhD  (206) 781-UNIX   http://www.consultix-inc.com    |
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