On 13/09/2011 21:34, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
* Lyle<webmas...@cosmicperl.com>  [2011-09-13 02:05]:
I wasn't going to reply to this, but as this thread has
continued... I thought Arthur's point was so relevant and clear
to the greater context of this (as he has continued to
outline), that such as comment as Aristotle's could only be
inspired by some kind of affinity felt towards Google. Maybe
it's just because I work with a guy that gets his back up when
you knock Google, that I read this as similar behaviour....
The only Google product I ever use if I can help it is their web
search, and then only because all of the competitors are next to
worthless in comparison. I wish someone were able to step up to
Google on that front.

Well after searching for sheds on GumTree google felt it was justified to bombard with with AdSense shed adverts. I discovered that a LOT of sites have AdSense these days. I can't remember agreeing to them doing that. I'm tempted to go into a rant about adwords and adsense but it's well off topic so I won't. Fact is though, the way it works is corrupt.

I hate to say it, by Bing search actually gives rather good results these days. People don't use it because it's M$, not because of results. My M$ hate has faded a little, and started to be replaced by a some sympathy. I fear in Google we may have inadvertently created an even bigger monster. Not that my homepage is bing, it's still google. But if I use someone else's computer, or a different broswer, and bing comes up - I just use it. I don't feel the need to change to google any more.


I apologise for the OT

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