I know i'll always read this list as I'm sure those of us who have been here 
forever will continue to do

From: john.david.dal...@gmail.com<john.david.dal...@gmail.com>
To: <mootools-users@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Subject: Re: [Moo] jQuery venting !

> It's not trolling to defend the reason this list exists.

That's not what you're doing.

> Trolling is deliberately injecting negativity....

Heh, here I thought nitpicking word choice and bloviating fell into that 
category :3

> I can think of few better examples than chiming in on a list peopled by fans 
> of a once-major technology to tell them their technology deserved to die.

Who did that?

> Unsubscribe is your friend.

I've been around before you and will be around long after you lose interest in 
going tit for tat in this mailing thread.
Those who know me know I'm big on dev consistency, support, and unit tests. 
I've been a MooTools fan for a while coming from Prototype.js, my favorite part 
is its uniform support & customizability, but I'm also capable of seeing what 
projects like jQuery do right and learning from them. I'm also fine with 
constructive criticism of projects, esp. when backed up with tests/repros, but 
don't really dig name calling or attacking a lib based on things that cannot be 
substantiated or API (as that can be smoothed over easily enough with adapters).


On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 5:12 PM, hazl...@gmail.com <hazl...@gmail.com> wrote:

Well said

From: sa...@figureone.com<sa...@figureone.com>
To: John-David Dalton<mootools-users@googlegroups.com>

Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Subject: Re: [Moo] jQuery venting !

> The decline of MooTools rests on the MooTools core devs and no one

> else. 

Yep, it is/was principally an internal problem (including the
community as well) but I think you're whitewashing if you think
Microsoft didn't buttress jQuery *in part* because jQ couldn't

possibly compete design-wise with their OO product lines.

Every .NET dev I know accepts that jQuery must be "good enough" if
Microsoft chose it. Yet jQuery is "bad enough" that it keeps them from

being compelled by native JavaScript and JS developer-focused
frameworks; it keeps them thinking JS is basically what the world
thought it was in 1995. And that belief keeps them away from building
single-page clients against Node.JS, for example.

Think about Microsoft actively embracing PHP over Python. And I'm a
huge PHP guy, but I don't think that was _solely_ because PHP is the
dominant language of the web; it also protects their products, because

PHP will rarely be compelling to an experienced .NET dev (except maybe
for selected tiny projects).

Trust me, it's not "Microsoft's fault" that Moo is where it is, but
nothing happens in a vacuum. jQuery is BY FAR the crappiest Big Thing

in circulation right now, and just so happens to be embraced by the
once-leaders in ensuring that crappy Big Things spread far and wide.
Like the conspiracy freaks like to retort, "So you're a coincidence

theorist?" :]

-- Sandy


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