Julien Pierre wrote:
My experience is that's more protection than is afforded to credit cards in France. In particular, the "quality of goods" provision means that most US merchants have flexible return policies. I have tried returning stuff I bought that I was unhappy with in France (with a credit card). No luck : it's up to the merchant, there is no law that gives this right. [...]

If this were a distance purchase, you have every right to return within 7 days :

But not for brick and mortar commerce, it is indeed up to the merchant if you realize after purchase the product is not suited for your need and no replacement can solve the problem.

Still "Visa Gold" and some other equivalent cards include a usually very little known and used, but still amazingly powerful insurance that enables you to get a full reimbursement if you're not satisfied with a purchase you made with the card.

 Anyway, this is drifting somewhat off-topic from the fraud subject.

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