On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, JTK wrote:
> First answer me this: Are you one of the QA geniuses that put their
> stamp of approval on Netscape 6.0?

Nope. I am one of the Netscape QA people who screamed and screamed
that 6.0 was not ready to be shipped. I am not actually aware of any
members of Netscape QA who "put their stamp of approval" on N6.0.

A quick glance at Bugzilla would have answered that question for you.

> Ian Hickson wrote:
>> By substitution of context, that sentence is equivalent to:
>> "[Netscape's] choice was rushed by [Netscape's] marketing
>> department, and had nothing to do with Mozilla.".
> And by reduction, "Netscape's choices have nothing to do with
> Mozilla".

You cannot, by reduction, pluralise a word as you have done.
Netscape's *choices* (plural) are a distinct concept from Netscape's
*choice* to ship 6.0.

Individual choices may or may not have any relation to Mozilla. For
example, Netscape's choice to provide its employees with Indian food
on Wednesdays is totally independent of anything to do with Mozilla.

Just because that particular choice has nothing to do with Mozilla,
does NOT mean that Netscape itself has nothing to do with Mozilla.

> [S-N-I-P - God, do they pay you to type this much?]

Nope, I enjoy it.

>> Let us compare these two sentences:
>>    [Netscape's choice] had nothing to do with Mozilla.
>>    Netscape has nothing to do with Mozilla.
>> Are they equivalent?
> Yes. If Netscape's choices had no effect on Maozilla,

Once again, you have made the error of pluralising a word without any
logical reason to do so.

Maybe, in addition to an elementary course in English, you should do
an elementary course in Logic, as your recent posts have clearly shown
that you lack even the most basic skills in this area.

> Maybe I should countersue jesus X for misrepresenting himself as the
> King of Kings and Lord of Lords, huh Ironsides?

When has he done this?

I believe this is merely showing your own biased opinions -- thinking
that the name "Jesus X" automatically refers to one of the icons of
the Christian faith is similar to assuming that a red star
automatically refers to the soviet political movement. It appears that
you are unable to come across old concepts in new setting without
assuming they are one and the same.

> Or maybe you should get back to Assuring the Quality of Maozilla's I
> mean Netscape 6.x's Standards Compliance and shut your word hole.

You would rather I stopped pointing out the flaws in your arguments,
would you? I will take that as the utmost compliment -- evidence that
my arguments are hurting your position.

Ian Hickson                                     )\     _. - ._.)       fL
Netscape, Standards Compliance QA              /. `- '  (  `--'
+1 650 937 6593                                `- , ) - > ) \
irc.mozilla.org:Hixie _________________________  (.' \) (.' -' __________

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