Stuart Ballard wrote:

>JTK wrote:
>>"Static build" refers to a build in which some of the DLLs (or shared
>>objects if you're on one of those 'alternative' OSs) are built as static
>>libraries and are statically linked into the program.  What this does is
>>effectively make the library an intergral part of the program, instead
>>of a separate "loadable module" which the OS has to load at runtime and
>>then 'link' into the main program, thus saving a bit of work at runtime.
>>I don't believe there are separate "static builds" available, nor will
>>there be, I think the plan is to just make some of the DLLs into static
>>libraries wherever it makes sense
>>*COUGH*somethingIsuggestedmonthsago*COUGH* in the main trunk.
>see for discussion of
>static builds[1]. They aren't turned on by default yet - I'm not sure if
>there's a bug tracking this or not. There are definitely still some open
>issues (see recent "Performance meeting agenda" posting in
>n.p.m.performance for specifics). In the interim it is possible to
>create a static build with some compile time options, but I'm not sure
>you would want to right now due to the outstanding issues. I don't know
>if there's anywhere that you can download these experimental builds
>from, but there might be.
>The plan, as I understand it (I could be very wrong - I just watch from
>the outside), is to have just a few big DLLs (or SOs on unix; don't know
>the Mac equivalent) rather than lots and lots of little ones as we do
>now. This should save considerable time on startup[2]...
>Footnotes mostly intended for JTK's benefit:
>[1] Having "suggested it months ago", I suppose you noticed the
>existance of this bugzilla bug, and also noted the date it was filed and
>how many months people have already been working on it...
>[2] This is just one more major contributor to startup time compared to,
>say, K-Meleon... that has absolutely nothing to do with XUL.
Thanks! I did not realize it had been in the works for so long. I 
thought it was something brand new.

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