Jay Garcia wrote:
> Jerry Baker wrote:
>>Carlfish wrote:
>>>3. Use it because they really, really prefer NN over Internet Explorer,
>>>  despite IE5+ being more stable, and rendering modern HTML better.
>>It is these users that intrigue me. It would seem to me, on the surface
>>anyway, that someone who prefered to be a "hold out" and keep using NN4
>>despite IE5's admittedly better rendering would be the first person to
>>adopt NN6 or Mozilla. NN6 and Mozilla offer rendering on par with IE5,
>>and much faster than NN4, and yet these Netscape hold outs still refuse
>>to use it. I have my reasons (all are with mail and news), but I am
>>curious why others choose to keep using NN4.
>>What I am particularly concerned with is the fact that there has been a
>>three-year long effort with the hard work of many dedicated individuals
>>that has turned out nothing that is used by any significant portion of
>>the public, and for that matter not even a significant portion of NN4
>>users have been persuaded to use it.
>>Lots of possibilities enter my mind when I contemplate the situation,
>>but I was curious if anyone at Mozilla and/or Netscape had bothered to
>>find out why no one is using it. Have they asked the NN4 users why they
>>won't switch? Have they asked browser users in general why they don't
>>use it? Have they done anything?
> Just MHO, Jerry but I think it's because there hasn't been a "release"
> yet. Everything so far has been "preview" or "beta" or less than 1.0 ..

There has been a release.  NN 6.0.  Now, we know how well that went 
over.  THAT is why no one is using Netscape.  Perhaps when a 'polished' 
version of Netscape comes out (when? who knows) everyone will give it 
another try.  Then, we can see what kind of market share NN can muster.

Personally, the sloggly-ness and memory usage are why I haven't 
completely gone over to the new Netscape (honestly, if N4.7+ didn't have 
the resize bug, I wouldn't bother at all).  But I'm trying.  What 
concerns me is that memory usage hasn't improved perceptively.  My 
system (PIII 750 128 megs ram) chugs pathetically for 30 seconds each 
time I shut this monster down.  I pretty much have to reboot to regain 
all the memory back.  Not good.  Why the hell is it such a hog? Also, 
'Mark NewGroup As Read' still takes forever while grinding the system to 
a halt 'till it's done.  Each week I pull a new nightly, but no 
improvement anywhere along these usability lines.


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