Ross wrote:
> That's great!  I've been waiting for these settings.  Can someone please
> compile a Win32 version.  Maybe a new beta version should be released?
> Ross.

Hi Ross,
I have no Windows, so I can't help you with a Win32 version.

But I want to start a collection, that could become something
like presets for Lame:

        phone  300 -  3400 hz, mono:
                --highpass_l 300 
                --lowpass_h 3400 
                --noshort        (preechoes are a minor issue)
                --resample 16    (8 would be better, needs MPEG2.5)
                -m m -b 16       (8 is a litle bit to low :( 

        CD       2 - 20000 hz, stereo:
                --lowpass_h 20000
                --resample 44.1
                -m s -b 192

And as you are working for a radio station, you could probably 
extend the list for different radio types, studio standards, etc.

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