Robert Hegemann wrote:

> Thank you Ross for the info about radio frequencies.
> Coding FM quality with sharp cutoff would look like:
> lame --highpass 0.05 --highpass-width 0
>    ...etc

May I make a case for --highpass 0.016 ? FM Radio usually goes down a bit
lower than 50Hz. The lowest note on a conventional piano is 27.5Hz, the
orchestral `double-bass' plays down to 32.7Hz, and a 32-foot organ pipe,
playing the lowest note on the pedal board, is 16.35Hz, though not many home
systems will reproduce this except to annoy the neighbours.

It is true that some FM stations (in the UK at least) put filters in below
30Hz to allow in-band switching tones to be used between studios.

I hope this is not too much of an imposition, but has anyone documented the
various `-X n' options? I'm getting better results on choral music with -X 5
while some orchestral music sounds better with -X 4. The existing
documentation is *very* helpful in other aspects, though.

In psymodel.c, there are a couple of commented-out sections. One is around
the bark computations... is the table you supply generally thought to work
better than the calculated bark values?

What is the effect of #define NEWS3 in psymodel.c, which enables certain
extra computations within the spreading function routines? My choral music
example (possibly) sounds better without this defined (as you have left it
in the code).

In your `USAGE' file, you have kindly included my old notes about filtering
and sample rates. Now that these facilities are included within LAME,
perhaps the notes are no longer needed? I would say, however, that at
96kbit/s and 32kHz sample rate, choral music in a large reverberant setting
sounds better with --noshort enabled and (even) -m f.

John Hayward-Warburton

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