I've done some testing on Lame, Mp3Enc31 and BladeEnc, encoding a 262sec. song (45.2Mb).
I used a 600Mhz pentium III with Win-98, and the EXE from the russian site.
 CBR, high quality (-h / qual 9), full freq. range (-k)
               Mp3Enc31    BladeEnc     Lame3.61    Lame3.60
192 (-ms)           586             166              118               60
128 (-mj)            795             182              163               90
VBR, high quality (-h), full freq. range, -B 320
~192 (-ms, -V2, -b 128)                             651(!)           273
~128(-mj, -V4, -b 112)                               408              193
The settings give avg. bitrate of 198 and 133 in 3.61, the same settings is used in 3.60 and give avg. of 212 and 148, is this because of changes in the -V parameter ?
Before 3.61 was released there was some writing about faster VBR-performance, is that gone because of the Huffmann-search ?
When will the history-file be updated with the 3.61-changes ?

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