In the last episode (Apr 20), Monty said:
> > A bug report that arrived in my inbox -
> > Seems like Mitya needs a "do not overwrite" mode.
> His shell already offers one, as does UNIX file permissions.  Do we
> really need...
> "Are you sure? [y/N] y"
> (Now if LAME is doing something purpousely counterintuitive, that's
> one thing. But if a user insists on shooting himself in the foot
> repeatedly by explicitly telling LAME to not do what he wants, he's
> not going to bother using the equivalent of --no-clobber).

No, this is really a bug.  I got bitten by it three or four times until
I just started using "- - < infile > outfile" to work around it.  Like

$ ls -l infile.mp3
-rw-rw-rw-  1 dan  dan  2745849 Apr 20 20:48 infile.mp3
$ lame -h -a -b3 2 infile.mp3 -
Could not find "2".
$ ls -l infile.mp3
-rw-rw-rw-  1 dan  dan  0 Apr 20 20:51 infile.mp3

Now in the example an output file of stdout isn't useful, but mine was
in a script, so I didn't notice the problem until I had blown away a
bunch of input files :)

        Dan Nelson
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