> No, this is really a bug.  I got bitten by it three or four times until
> I just started using "- - < infile > outfile" to work around it.  Like
> this:
> $ ls -l infile.mp3
> -rw-rw-rw-  1 dan  dan  2745849 Apr 20 20:48 infile.mp3
> $ lame -h -a -b3 2 infile.mp3 -
> Could not find "2".
> $ ls -l infile.mp3
> -rw-rw-rw-  1 dan  dan  0 Apr 20 20:51 infile.mp3
> Now in the example an output file of stdout isn't useful, but mine was
> in a script, so I didn't notice the problem until I had blown away a
> bunch of input files :)

I've also been bitten by this feature :-)

This isn't really a fix, but at least I moved the code which opens the
output file *after* the code which opens the input file.  So if there
is some problem opening or parsing the input file ("2" in this case) it 
should exit and not attempt to open "infile.mp3" for writing.


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