On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Mark Taylor wrote:

> In 3.87, I thought I disabled the Xing header if an ID3v2 tag
> was also being used.  So hopefully there is no Xing header at all :-)
> The code in 3.87 could not handle both id3v2 and xing vbr header.

Why is this? They are both required.
> by the way, which is supposed to come first, id3v2, or Xing vbr
> header?

3.86 put the ID3v2 first and the Xing second, as I'm sure you know. This
worked fine with the software I used. From the v2.3.0 docs:

3.1.ID3v2 header

            The ID3v2 tag header, which should be the first information in
the file, is 10 bytes as follows: 


Mark Powell - UNIX System Administrator - The University of Salford
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