::  > 
::  > Question: When fs_in/fs_out is not representable by a:b with little a and b,
::  >   what do you like best:
::  >   
::  >   [_]  Lame rounds fs_in in a way, so fs_in/fs_out is representable by little a:b
::  >   [_]  Lame have a function to resample exactly any ratio
::  >   [_]  both, selectable
::  LAME is going to only work with integer samplerates.  MP3 output must
::  always be an integer samplerate.  If you want to encode
::  from non-integer samplerate source, resample first.  
Input is a 57:10.00 WAV file with 34301.0 Hz sample frequency (470 MByte).

What should be IYHO the output?

  a) Resample 9:7 and got a 57:10.10 MP3 file with 44.1 kHz with 30 ppm
     pitch error

     + faster (factor of 2)
     o little pitch error
     - timing error
     + excellent side slope rejection is no problem
     + you need no fractional fs, because the precission is restricted
       by the maximum possible a:b ratio (for instance a,b <= 441)
     + often rounds rounded values to the correct values (see below)

  b) Resample 44100:34301 and got a 57:10.00 MP3 file with 44.1 kHz
     with exact pitch

     + slower (nearly doubles the computation time)
     + no pitch error
     + no timing error

     - for good side slope rejection (>90 dB) you need something between 128
       and 256 tables

     - this routine makes exactly what you are requesting:
       fs_in = 33333, fs_out = 50000:
       This method really resamples by 50000:33333 = 1.500015...:1, not 3:2.

  c) Both should be possible.

I only need the input: a), b) or c).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Frank Klemm
phone | +49 (3641) 64-2721    home: +49 (3641) 390545
sMail | R.-Breitscheid-Str. 43, 07747 Jena, Germany

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