Bert Black writes:
<<The DFL is not a public utility to be used when and where people feel like  
it as a pipeline to public opinion leaders. It is a private, membership
organization. Green party members should earn their own organization instead  
of living off the DFL.>> 
Funny....  This is the argument the Boy Scouts used to defend their right
to chose their own membership--freedom of association.  The real
contradiction here is the DFL is a victim of its own success.  In
Minneapolis politicians feel that the only way to get elected is to run as
a Dem--which means running as a "DFL member" or as "DFL endorsed"....  And
basically we have a one party town.  

Holding it against candidates who run against DFL endorsement in wards
where 50 or so delegates at the ward conventions give a candidate the
endorsement is ludicrous.  It's especially ludicrous when you look at the
way the Minneapolis DFL runs its delegate selection process for city races.
 It seems that the St Paul model would work better--and I think that is
what David Brauer's resolution stated.  

I also would like to hear the policy differences between the candidates in
the ward elections.  In Ward 8 there are 3 candidates running in the
primary.  In ward 6 there are at least 3 people running in the primary.  In
6th ward I think there is an off chance that the DFL endorsed candidate
won't make it through the primary.  

Eva Young

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