In answer to Nancy Alcorn, I can only suggest the
answer id what she suggested: the arrogance of elected

I have heard so many equivocal answers to whole
question of light rail that for me it has become a
litmustest. I think anyone who voted for the damn
thing ought to be run out of office, from Governor Me 
to State legislators, County Commissioners, City
Councilmembers and the Mayor.

I remember first hearing of this stupid idea and
turning to my better half(oh isn't that cute) and
saying "WHAT?! Could there be anything more foolish?"
It was a rare moment of agreement without either of us
trying to play the devil's advocate.

If they felt it necessary to build the darn thing I
would have suggested a split route going down Ninth
Street and Washington.

Ninth Street to be closer to the Convention Center and
the major convention hotels and Washington to be
closer to all the new housing along the river. As it
is I am hard pressed to wonder who might use the thing
in its first few years, if ever!

I tend to ask the same question as Clark Griffith. Why
do we want to make it easier for people to desert
downtown shopping for The Megamall. 

As it is the #5 bus goes through downtown to the
megamall, the #180 goes up the Mall, stops at the
Convention Center, then onto the freeway, stopping
once at Lake Street and onto the Mall. You couldn't
get there faster by light rail.

I say, throw the bums out of office, all of them!

Tim Connolly
Ward 7 

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